Everyone....and I mean EVERYONE should be free to practice the religion they choose to follow. The seperation clause we all find so confusing was an attempt to guarantee this within the framework of a free society. By allowing a single religious mindset to prevail in a place like the United States, we remove one of the foundations of this republic in my opinion.....and I will be very upset should this come to pass.
There will always be a majority, or a prevelant faith within any large population of humans, this is unavoidable truth. But , this cannot be allowed to diminish the ability of any one citizen to follow whatever path they feel is correct for them. If outcry from one minority demands a limitation on a majority it must be taken seriously, and heard....this is democracy within the republic.
The current fear of a "Christianization" within the United States is likely the fault of the very majority that is flexing its political muscle in the face of a fearful minority....and in my opinion the fear from these smaller faith communities is somewhat valid. As a Pagan I know where I stand in the eyes of the Falwell crowd, and proudly deny any affiliation with the hatred that part of Christianity stands for. That said, the Actual Christians in this country do little to quell the misconception created by these people, and so the fear grows, and distrust forms as to the message of love hidden in the followers of Christ.
Until religion is a non issue in politics, it will be a problem.....period. It does not fit, nor belong in legislative language in any form. It does not create peace within a community of peoples that differ in cultures, and has a long history of damaging societies as a whole (as well as healing many). Unfortunately for the God entity, mankind is at a crossroads in mental evolution....which in my opinion will eventually lead to its replacement in the context of faith.
Why would a forward thinking society allow a backward facing doctrine to guide its course.
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha