Three kids, seven hours a day, for $100. That's . . . $0.95 per child per hour. Unless that's per child, which is still less than $3 per chld per hour.
Now, if you are not doing so already, start documenting everything. Every time they come to daycare in the same clothes two days in a row, write it down. Every time they come in dirty clothes, write it down. Every time they are late, write it down. If the baby is spitting up excessively, start taking notes on that. If you ask her to change formulas, make note of the date and time of the conversation and what happened. You can get contact record sheets at a school supply store, but a notebook works just as well.
You need to start preparing now for the possibility that you may need to call social services sometime in the future. Contemporary notes can serve as evidence of observed neglect.
If, on the other hand, you were just venting, I can see why you're upset, and I have to agree that this group seems like far more trouble than they are worth. I hope things get better for you soon.