I think you can work it out. You should affirm that you both want to be together, acknowledge (as you have) that you're together too much -- by circumstance -- and try to set some ground rules for apartness. Which you both need.
You also need to agree on a good way for both of you -- especially her -- to bring up complaints before they grow into blowups. So you're going to have to 1) learn to have faith that when she's not with you, she's still with you, so you can let her have space (and you, too), and 2) make sure both of you know it's okay to be unhappy about something and that the other one will honestly try to address the problem.
Yours is a young relationship that grew maybe too intense too fast -- nobody's fault, but working together _and_ living together in just a few months is pretty stressful to a relationship where you still haven't and laid out all the ground rules and expectations. Actually, I think you've done pretty well to get this far before a blowup.
Oh yeah, one other key to a successful relationship: resolve all problems before you go to bed. Leave nothing simmering until the next morning, no matter how late you have to stay up. If you'd been able to do that when you had the argument -- or at least define the problem and agree you'd both work toward s a solution -- you wouldn't have gone through this hell of uncertainty. Fortunately, it looks like both of you really want to try to make this work. And I bet you will.
Originally Posted by maleficent
It's going to be tough to be in a relationship with a person like that... Running away solves nothing
Hey, at least she's self-aware. That counts for a lot. Means she might not do the right thing in a crisis by instinct... but she'll probably come around to it when she thinks about it.