I heard that joke like this several years ago.
A white guy, a black guy, and a polish guy go out hunting, they set up camp and get back from hunting, their about to dress the dear and the polish guy says he has to take a crap, the other 2 go to check on him, because he's been gone for about an hour, they find him asleep with his pants down on a tree stump. They get the idea to put the dear guts in the stump under his ass. He comes back and is hysterical, "OH MY GOD!! I WAS TAKING A BIG CRAP AND I FELL ASLEEP, I CRAPPED MY GUTS OUT!!!" The other two are grinning and ask, "Hey, well how are you still alive then if your guts got crapped out?" The Polish guy repies with a grin, "Thanks to the good lord and a long stick."