There's a way this won't happen again. The 'don't call night out apart'. It works like this: One night a week you BOTH go out with friends, separately. You don't call each other or sit home wondering. Works wonders, really. We did it, even after we got married and sometimes we ended up our nights at the same bar, but sitting with our friends, not together.
The reason this is needed: We're not attached to our SO's at the hip and doing things not together 24/7 allows us to be ourselves. He was being himself. If we don't allow this, we begin to lose part of who we are and when that happens, we end up resenting the person we're with for it.
Are you angry because he didn't lose part of himself to you? Didn't consider you in his decision to have a good time with his friends? Do you think he has to give that up for you?
Like BOR said, boys will be boys. Either accept him, his friends and sometimes the stupid things boys do, or don't. But if you are going to stew and wonder about what he's doing when he's not with you, then getting pissed when he's not 100% there after, you WILL end up resenting him because you will have felt like you're giving more than he has.
Start doing your own thing the nights he does instead of waiting around and wondering. You'll both be better off.
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.