I have a giant batch made in... i think 1973 by my grandfather. Poootent. Supposedly the herbs used aid circulation and stimulate healing. I have heard of other mixtures that have 'toughening' properties, but I neither have the recipe, nor speak enough Chinese to get it out of an herbalist. I'm still trying to pry the family recipe out of my grandmother, but she's a tough nut to crack.
I would try to find an Iron Palm practicioner. You'd likely not get the recipe for many years, since I doubt it would be given freely, but the path to acquiring it would be interesting.
If it's in my bloodstream, it's not doing anything wierd that I can tell. I use it all the time. YMMV.
"We are supposed to be masters of space, but we cant even line up our shoes?"
One life, one chance, one opportunity.