Originally Posted by Sage
How many other religions have you studied? Part of what helped me shape my own world view was having a very clear understanding of other religions, philosophies, opnions, psychologies, and facts. It's not a bad thing to change your opnion, it's a GOOD thing. You're not blindly following what someone else is dishing out, you're forging your own path and saying "Alright, what do I Believe?" Everyone has to find their own way. Another suggestion I would make would be to look for a Unity church (NOT Unitarian). My Aunt and Uncle go to a Unity church and they like it very much, as it doesn't teach a specific religious doctrine but instead focuses on looking at all the doctrines and philosophies and letting each person come to their own conclusion. It's like a big religious discussion group, as far as I can tell.
Unitarian Universalists do the same thing, for the most part.
Since you're in college take the opportunity to take a few philosophy courses. You might find something that makes the way clear for you.
Speaking from personal experience (as the ex-girlfriend of a man who lied about his faith consistently to his mother), DON'T LIE. It just makes you look bad to other people who know about the situation. It was one of the things that absolutely drove me crazy about my ex. He went to church every Sunday like a good little sheep while at home even though at college he was a hard-core atheist. DON'T DO IT. If you can't be honest with other people about your situation, you're sacrificing a part of yourself over the long term. Some people feel like they should lie to their parents or do what their parents want just for the sake of not making waves. If your parents truly love you, regardless of religion, and are good parents, then telling them the truth about your faith and belief system will work out over the long run.