I was engaged to a guy who was 29 when I was 19. We both had similar tastes and hobbies. What broke us up was his inflexibility. I had ambition to do more with myself. He was content living off his disability check (he was deaf) in a small apartment. He was set in his ways and I was still deciding what my interests and ambitions were.
Granted you are talking about women who are a little older than my young 19 at that time. I guess I'd probably suggest that you have a little flexibility if you do find a girl in that age group. Not that you need to be on the scene constantly but that you are willing to try out new things. I don't think you need to be willing to stay up until all hours of the night regularly. I think getting proper rest is a part of being responsible with your body and directly affects your work.
I guess for a younger woman looking at a man who is a decade or so older - so long as our interests are similar and goals jive then I see no problem with it.

Personally, I think older men are better in bed.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.