Originally Posted by Charlatan
My fear is that the Liberals, seeing the success of Harper, will shift even further right.
Maybe. I would not be upset with a more right of center middle. We have lived with one that was left of center for the last 15+ years.
The best thing that will hopefully come out of all of this. That I hope that most can agree on is that Canada will end up with more than one party that can win an election. Whether the two (or more) parties are left leaning or right leaning it does not matter as long as there is more than one.
If this is the case then inherently these parties should slowly move more to the center of the Canadian Political spectrum. They will never go all the way but if they want to remain a major party they will have to appela to a large number of Canadians.
Back to the Liberals specifically. I'm sorry but so far this is boring. I don't want to see scandal, name calling, and slander. That is not the type of excitement I am looking for. I am looking for some interesting, passionate people who can convince me that the Liberals are a party worth voting for.