I'm sorry your expierence with chiropractors was a bad one- if it weren't for my chiropractor I'd probably be on disability right now.
Changing your pillow is a good start- I know that when I sleep wonky my neck hurts all day afterwards. I use a chiro-flow pillow that I got at my chiropractor's office, but it's definitey not quackery- it's the greatest pillow ever.
My insurance paid 80% of the cost, and I have no neck pain when I wake up. It's a super pillow- takes a bit of finangling to get the water level just right, but now that it's just right I take it with me EVERYWHERE even tho it weights about fifteen pounds
Also I would suggest going to a doctor. Having constant neck pain is NOT NORMAL. Pain is an indication that there's something not working right, and the longer it doesn't work right the harder it is to fix. Go figure out why it's not working right and what you can do to fix it. Taking meds just covers up the pain- it doesn't get rid of what's causing it. You need to deal with the problem itself, not just cover it up with meds.
Sage knows our mythic history, King Arthur's and Sir Caradoc's
She answers hard acrostics, has a pretty taste for paradox
She quotes in elegiacs all the crimes of Heliogabalus
In conics she can floor peculiarities parabolous