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Old 06-12-2006, 01:36 PM   #1 (permalink)
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strange things keep happening

Well, since I moved from the freaky house things have been quiet. I must admit it was a nice break from the craziness that seemed to have been going on. Recently, since my aunt's death, more strange things have been happening at my new place. Helpful strange things. I am hesitant to post them with the fear that those that know me will think I've finally lost my mind for good. I'm not crazy, there are things that have actually happened that I can't explain.

For example, I couldn't find my toolbelt, it's always hanging on a nail in the workshop at my house, ALWAYS. It was gone. My wife didn't touch it and it is too high for the kids to get to. I went to the other room and said, just put it back. Ten minutes later there it was...I swear I'm not making this stuff up!!

I was also putting together a new garage door opener in my workshop and was about ready to go up to the garage with the pieces I had connected when I realized that the hole on one piece weren't lined up. I tried for ten minutes to get the rails separated but they weren't budging. I began working on gathering the other pieces figuring that I could just drill a hole and call it a day, when I looked down the holes all lined up. I know that sounds friggin' crazy but it's true, I have no explanation. It's one of those things that just makes you shake your head and move on. I know the holes didn't line up, I KNOW THEY DIDN'T!! But there it was all fixed. I've started to pay more attention and will let you know if anything freaky and unexplainable happens, but DAMN! some weird stuff is going on.

I wish I could remember more, but the other more subtle things are escaping me right now. I wish I had an explanation for them, but I don't. And for you detractors out there, I know what I saw I know what happened. I just wish I could have recorded the fact that I had experienced these things so people wouldn't think I was crazy.

Anyone else experience stuff like this? It's very unsettling to think you're crazy
It was like that when I got here....I swear.
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