I notice that I tend not to get tailgated a lot. I think it is simply that I will move to the right and yield the passing lane. The other day I noticed someone who had been tailgaiting the car behind me did give me an appropriate following distance. I think he observed my behavior, and when he came up behind me he was willing to wait for me to finish passing because he knew I would move over when I could.
I find that I am generally treated courteously, and I think it is because other drivers observe me being courteous. I notice that people who follow too closely tend to be followed too closely, and in heavy rush hour traffic, I tend to simply stay right and allow plenty of room between me and the car ahead.
I think there's an inherent assumption in our society that people will not behave courteously. So we tailgate under the assumption that the guy in front doesn't intend to let us pass...
And if he doesn't, well, it's not that big a deal for me to commute for an extra two minutes...
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