I understand your need to protect your child. I have two really young sisters, one eight and one three, where the eight year old is the ring leader and the three year old is the victim. There is a group of 10 kids or so in my fathers neighborhood and the eight year old is constantly bossing and handing out assignments for hellish deeds. I think you need to realize that any five year old child that is trying to spend time as friends with a Tween is bound to be abuised. It has nothing to do with your daughter. From everything I've read she seems to be sharp and very intelligent. The older children are in a totally different place as the five year old child right now and the slightly younger children are all pining to be older, therefore mob mentallity ensues. I realize that you want your daughter to have neighborhood friends, people close that your daughter can grow up with and socialize with. It might just be an age difference that is too great. espeically with the comment about the kids being bullies? You can see the need to have more power, feeling as if they are entitled to more.
Also, have you considered that there was another incident that your daughter had informed an adult of something that the group was doing. I find that younger children are still naive to the whole lying to save our asses rutine; if not that then your daughter is just honest. Perhaps you misinterpreted their cold shoulder, thinking it was the smoking thing, and made it worse by telling them that in the heat of passion. Perhaps, also, thats why the parents were mad too.
EX: Whats new?
ME: I officially love coffee more then you now.
EX: uh...
ME: So, not much.