Originally Posted by thelifeandtimes
As many of you have read, the girl I am currently seeing is sick and I have made the decision to stay with her through that, but this is another issue, completely separate from one another. Last week I went out of town and she had went to a party and met a guy whom she claimed to be really nice and they ended up talking for most of the night. The following day she called me to ask me if she could go to the movies with him, I obliged due to the fact that she had thought other people would be going. Later on, I found out it was just her and him and that even if I would’ve told her she couldn’t go, she was going to go anyways. That same night she was with him all night and didn’t call me when she got home as she always had done before that night. She instead texted me saying she’d talk to me tomorrow because he and her best friend were over and they were watching a movie. For the last few days of my vacation, she did nothing but hang out with this guy going to party after party and talking about how they both connect on a mental level. Every time I would talk to her she’d either be with him, going out to meet him, or talking about him.
I finally get home and it is still the same. I figured maybe she was just trying to take her mind off of me being gone, but I was wrong. They hang out all the time and its really starting to wear at me for some reason. She would rather be going to parties with him than even inviting me to go along. If I say we should go do something at night, she always tells me she has plans with him. She has already told me she is physically attracted to him but that’s it. The reason she can talk to him is because he has been through the same problems that she had before and he understands her.
Maybe that’s what it is, but she doesn’t really talk to me about what’s on her mind anymore, what she’s thinking, feeling, and just random nonsense like we used to before I left. Its just really stressing me out because the way things are progressing between them, is the same way things progressed with my last girlfriend who met some random new guy which ended with her cheating on me. I am just over-thinking this and pinning my last relationship faults onto her, or should I be concerned? Maybe I am just nuts, but I just don’t know what I am doing anymore.
My friend, I hate to sound harsh, but I think she's cheating on you and manipulating you. Dump her and move on to a better woman who's more deserving of your time, affection, and loyalty.
You sound like you're a good man, and I think you ought to spend your energy on a woman who's worth it and will reciprocate instead of take without any giving back.