Improving your communication skills
I am an atrocious conversationalist. Unless you're my mother, father, or a very close friend; you and I will have absolutely nothing to talk about. For a long time I simply pointed the blame towards the other person; I'm slowly starting to take some responsibility.
Chauncey Billups, a very good NBA player once said (paraphrasing) 'the reason he's succesful is because he is able to mentally approach a very important play in the 4th quarter, the same way he approaches a play when practicing in his backyard.'
You may be asking what the above anecdote has to do with communication. I'll explain. I don't know if I am the only nut case whose brain functions this way, but I am unable to talk with the same ease to a co-worker as I do, for instance, with my parents. I find myself trying hard to have a good conversation/ be accepted. The worst part is I often feel like I compromised myself and say things without thinking, just so I can get along with a person.
In the long run, not only does the conversation stall, but I find myself saying things I later regret.
I have a project coming up where I will be working exclusively with my boss. Our conversations have never gone beyond a sentence. I am kind of concerned with what I may say.
Your advice could really help me.