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Old 06-07-2006, 07:31 PM   #1 (permalink)
immoral minority
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Location: Back in Ohio
How important is financial appearance of wealth when making friends and relationship?

Who has more friends and relationships, people who spend their income or people with the same income level who save 30%-50%?

Is it totally dependant on personality, or is it easier to have an approachable personality if you are dressed nice and drive a nice car/live in a nice house/live in a nice part of town. I'm sure appearance comes in to it as well, but if you are spending the money, you can always get cosmetic surgery (if you need it).

Do people who spend more money become friends with people who also appear successful or are successful?

Is it better to have some savings, but live it up to the most of your income and appear that you are doing very good. Or is it better to play it safe and save 30% and be a millionaire in your late 40s, but have lived a life where you played it safe and passed up on some fun things.

Back in college, I became friends with a guy whose family was worth millions, and I was worth nothing, but I looked 'ok'. My dress shirt might have been 5 years old and bought at Sears, and he could have gone out and bought a new designer one whenever. But, we had a bunch of other things in common, so the money difference never really came up. He drove an Infinity and lived in north Scottsdale, AZ. I drove a 6 year old Saturn, that wasn't bad and got me around, and lived in an apartment with roommates. So from this perspective, it seems like it didn't matter. But when you consider that he has 20 times more friends then I do. I ask myself, is it easier to make friends when you look wealthy? I don't know his bank account balance, he might be in debt for all I know, and people don't really ask how much money you have in your 401k and investment accounts when they first meet you, but do they notice the car, clothes and house and estimate your net worth based on those things?
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