06-06-2006, 11:32 AM
#1 (permalink)
<3 TFP
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SIRA and why it's bad for you...
he worst bill you’ve never heard of
This will be a busy week in the House -- Congress goes into summer recess Friday, but not before considering the Section 115 Reform Act of 2006 (SIRA). Never heard of SIRA? That’s the way Big Copyright and their lackey’s want it, and it's bad news for you.
Simply put, SIRA fundamentally redefines copyright and fair use in the digital world. It would require all incidental copies of music to be licensed separately from the originating copy. Even copies of songs that are cached in your computer's memory or buffered over a network would need yet another license. Once again, Big Copyright is looking for a way to double-dip into your wallet, extracting payment for the same content at multiple levels.
Today, so-called "incidental" copies don't need to be licensed; they're made in the process of doing *other* things, like listening to your MP3 library or plugging into a Net radio station. If you paid for the MP3 and the radio station is up-to-date with its bookkeeping, nobody should have to pay again, right? Not if SIRA becomes law. Out of the blue, copyright holders would have created an entire new market to charge for -- and sue over. Good for them. Bad for us.
Don't let Big Copyright legalize double dipping. Fight SIRA today.
The House is going into recess for the summer at the end of this week, so you have a unique opportunity to kill this legislation. EDIT: I got my calendars confused, the House is not going into recess until July, but it's still important to stall this legislation now. If we can stall SIRA now it would effectively kill it for the reminder of the year, giving us more time to prepare an offensive.
Please call the Members of the Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property and voice your opposition to this legislation.
Erm, yes... opinions... Sorry, was writing a letter to my Representative. I think it's horse shit. I think attacks against Fair Use only stand to destroy creative and cultural development.
Last edited by xepherys; 06-06-2006 at 11:48 AM..