Well, a couple of things:
-White text on a bright pink background? Ouch! Very difficult to read.
-The logo graphic isn't anti-aliased, so you've got lots of "jaggies" on the text. Your graphics package should have an option to anti-alias text.
-The logo font is a bit ugly I have to say. The 'o's look a bit like 'a's, and the cursive style makes it look like the letters should join - but they don't always do so.
-Frames: Are they necessary? The address bar always displays the same address. If I want to link to a specific cartoon, I might not know how to get the right address, Even if I do, the link (e.g.
http://thatonionpatchisagraveyard.co...gantafist.html) will display the page without the logo.
-I can't get back to the homepage from a catoon without using the back button.
On the plus side, I have to say that I did enjoy your cartoons!
EDIT: Also, try clicking on the first image, and then using the '-' button. It brings up the homepage, but loads it in the current frame. So you end up with
two logos being displayed. Repeat for even more logos! You can avoid this using the "target" attribute of the link tag.
And the cartoon's boomhauer and beyond don't seem to work...