Originally Posted by Charlatan
I can totally sympathize with those youth (and by youth I mean anyone under 21 in this case)... not in their desire to blow things up and kill people per se, rather their desire to belong to something and to oppose the establishment.
The fire that burns in the stomach of most youth to change things is an age old impulse. It wasn't long ago that I had that fire. The difference is in the type of change and the methods of creating change... not to mention a group of adults adding fuel to the fire and enabling my desire by telling me to blow things up.
While I don't hold the youths innocent, even in their furvour they should know where to draw the line, I do sympathize with the desire to make a difference, make a mark.
I have zero sympathy for these dogs. Hanging is too good for them if the allegations are half way accurate. They plotted to kill me. And you. And you and you and anyone else who might have been at the TSX or CN Tower on a given day. Your family. Couching their desire to kill us, our friends and families, in some sort of noble terms of fostering change is, IMO, wrong.
If guilty, I hope they rot.