A short rant about Myspace in the news
Once again, there's a collge student murdered (of course it's an attractive white female, but that's for another rant,) and the preview on the news is, "Did pictures posted on two websites, including the popular site Myspace, help to lead her killer to her?"
Here's an open statement to the news writers who come up with this crap:
No shit she had a Myspace account, 90% of the Goddamn college age population has a fucking Myspace account. She had pictures posted on it? No shit, 90% of people with Myspace profiles have pictures posted. You're picking up on a fearmongering trend, and it's fuckign stupid. Anyone with the intelligence to get into college knows tha basics of dealing with strangers anywhere, we learned that shit in kindergarten. Don't give your personal info out to peiople you don't know and don't meet them unless it's a public place with easy escape routes and people aronud to notice if anything happens. If you can't follow these basic rules then it's not a freak occurance, it's natural fucking selection. Myspace isn't the problem, it's people who grow up not caring about taking basic safety precautions.
Just because someone has a Myspace account does not mean it had something to do with their death. I'm giong to go to a barbaque for the holiday, and that has nothing to do with my Myspace account, but if I'm brutally murderd and sodomized wiht salad tongs while I'm there, I guarantee the media would make a connection somehow. You might as well say that all of these people were wearing pants when they were killed, it's just as common as having a Myspace profile. Myspace isn't the problem, it's just an easy scapegoat. Murderers will find people and kill them with or without some networking site. Shut the fuck up about the dangers of Myspace.