Originally Posted by Toaster126
Are you kidding? Most who are educated about the fight game had Hughes destroying Gracie.
The Diego \ Alessio fight was interesting. I think Diego showed he sucked, Alessio showed he had amazing takedown defense, the judges showed that they don't know what Octogon control means, and that the refs that aren't Herb Dean and Big John blow goat nuts. I mean, if they had either good ref in there, that 3 minutes of Diego on Alessio's back doing nothing would have been broken up. Just because you are upright doesn't mean you are exempt from being broken up for inactivity.
I agree with everything you said except the first comment. I mean I know some people had Hughes picked to win, but I don't know if "most" is the correct term, and I'm highly skeptical of "destroying" as well. Ace is right: most people thought that if it went to the ground it was game over for Hughes. They were just wrong.
However, I agree wholeheartedly with you about Sanchez/Alessio. That was freaking ridiculous. Every point you made was correct and something I said while watching last night. Alessio showed
amazing defense, and if anything it should have been a draw, not a loss for him. Also, you're right about the refs. I cannot freaking BELIEVE that he didn't break that up; that was just totally uncalled for.
Another question for you guys: Why did Gracie lose? I mean if you're familiar with earlier UFC, then you know the man made it look like ART back in the day. I mean he really did. A friend of mine (a diehard Gracie fan), claims he's just too old. But he's close to the same age as The Iceman, and he's
younger than both Shamrock and Couture. So I don't think that holds up.
Personally, I just think it was a changing of the guard. I don't think anyone who's
purely ground game can stand up to the challenge anymore. You've simply GOT to be well-rounded nowadays.
Lastly, were you guys not simply amazed by the determination of Gracie though? If Matt Hughes had me in an arm bar, I wouldn't last two seconds. You could tell from the look on Gracie's face that he was gonna let him break it before he was gonna submit. Pretty astonishing, IMO.