I try not to answer my door when I see the missionaries come around. I did kind of lead a salesman on last summer though, by listening to his whole spiel and seemed interested, and then filled out my "info" with a fake name, and after all that told him I wasn't interested. Perhaps I'm going to hell for that.
My brother's friend had a completely different take though. He'd answer the door with a beer in hand, invite them in, and (being an incredibly intelligent guy) would debate religion with them for as long as they could take it. They always left before he tired of it, and he never got the same pair of missionaries twice.
Edit: just reread...the friend wasn't intelligent because he debated against religion...just intelligent enough that he could debate anything at all. Not meant as a slur towards religious folks!
"They say that patriotism is the last refuge to which a scoundrel clings; steal a little and they throw you in jail, steal a lot and they make you king"
Formerly Medusa
Last edited by Grasshopper Green; 05-25-2006 at 03:18 PM..