After the decision is made whether you get the job or not I would write a letter to the company and specifically to the person who rescheduled on your repeatedly. I would explain that the lack of courtesy or even lack of apology for tardiness, for rescheduling, and for inconvenience caused displayed a lack of respect for you and that you hope they don't normally treat customers/clients in such a way. Make the letter simple, professional and non-personal. Explain that you are saying something in their interest because they need to know how their behavior would appear to outsiders.
That's what I'd do.
Good Luck - I hope they offer you a decent package. I'd be sure to get EVERY promise in writing or you could end up having all kinds of trouble. I would see their behavior as a lack of organization and this could mean a very stressful kind of job.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.