Originally Posted by Xavion
What i mean is, literally, how do you define your attraction to someone?
I suppose i mean this in a sexual context.
Like with me, my attaction is initally physical. I check out every person i come in contact with and I think to myself "Would I have sex with that person?" ...i know that makes me a superficial bastard of a man, but it's the truth!
I totally agree with you on this one. I usually check out every girl I see as well. It doesn't make you a superficial bastard, I think it's only human nature to do so. Initial attraction for me is physical as well but you have to have a good personality to match it. Even girls who aren't that hot or cute; there's usually something that I find physically attractive about them. They may not be the ones I usually go for but theres one thing that gets my attention and attracts me to that person. Like what Martian said, different people are attracted to different things. What one person finds attractive might be a total turnoff for another person. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
I agree with what Jimellow says about extremely attractive girls. They are very intimidating, but usually theres nothing behind their physical beauty besides their designer name purse, shoes, etc and they care more about material things. Now I'm not saying thats all extremely good looking girls, but just a majority of them. It seems to me that all these hot looking girls at the bars and clubs are either just looking for someone to have sex with or someone with a lot of money. Thats just me though. I read a lot of FHM, Maxim, and Stuff magazines with interviews of all these great looking girls and they all say that men are intimidated to come up and talk to them, which is true. However, some of these girls look good on paper, but once you meet them they're just like the other ones; materialistic and superficial. I think that if you wanted one of these women that you would have to be original and creative, or just go with a good old fashioned "Hi" and not some stupid pickup line.
Personality is a selling point for me, which seems to be the consensus among the people here too. The past few girlfriends that I've had haven't been stunningly attractive (but attractive to me), but I found their personalities to shine, which to me enhances their physical beauty. Granted things didn't work out with them, but it was their personality that attracted me to them along with the initial physical attraction. I think that you can find someone physically attractive and once you get to know their personality they become more attractive. I know it's happened to me before. After getting to know girls I find attractive they become either more or less attractive to me. I don't know if anybody else is like that though. Everybody is different and likes different things, so I think its hard to define exactly what makes one person attracted to another. There are tons of cases of opposites attract, but nobody knows why they're attracted to each other. It's a personal preference.