Originally Posted by ClostGoth
I got hit with these questions pretty early because my kids are 3yrs apart. So they wanted TMI at 3! The older they get, the tougher the questions get. May I recommend a GREAT book that helped my kids understand the process? It's called "A Child is Born" by Lennart Nilsson. It's got GREAT pictures, and manages to be graphic without being pornographic, if that makes sense. I thought it was TMI when my eldest first wanted to look at it, too, but better informed than not I suppose. The book was originally gifted to me when I was pregnant with my second because it has such GREAT shots of babies in different stages of development in utero. Awesome, awsome book!
My mom has probably one of the original versions of that book, and it was facinating to me when I was around 10. I never thought about it as being a book about sex, I mainly looked at the pictures of babies developing.