Trailor Park Boys
Is this a popular show in canada?
A friend of mine just turned me on to it and since I've discovered it I can't get any work done. I think its freaking halarious. I suppose I could go on an on about the show and how funny I think it is, but really I want to know if canadians think its as funny as I do.
Its on Show Case, which, from what I understand is a government sponsored channel. But its in its 6th year, right? Maybe the two have nothing to do with eachother.
Does it have commercial support?
Is there just a small cult following or is it widely popular?
Do all canadians just grow dope in trailors? (just kidding)
I fuckin atoljaso. I fuckin atoljaso.
Its a catch-23.
Its the shit winds.
I really can't get enough of these guys.
"If I am such a genius why am I drunk, lost in the desert, with a bullet in my ass?" -Otto Mannkusser