It is completely safe if you consider 99% effective to be complete. Mathematically speaking, I don't. If you want to lessen the risk of pregnancy even more, then use another form of protection.
Okay, that's the overly cautious (in my opinion) part of things. I've been on the pill for about five years, and have had no problems with it. We don't use another form of protection, and have never even had a scare. However, if we were to get pregnant in that fraction of a chance, I would be able to put myself in a position where we could handle it.
Keep in mind that everyone is different. Her body may not react to the hormones the way they're designed to work, she may have trouble remembering to take it every day (I have other pills that I take, so I take them all at the same time, otherwise I'd forget), or she may just not like the effects (some pills have more hormones than others).
In the end, she should be asking her GYN these questions. Some doctors will let you come in to her appointment to ask questions. If her doctor won't let you in, write down your questions and give her the list to ask. One question that I don't think has been answered is the length of time it takes for the pill to be effective. Different brands will take different amounts of time. Mine was only one week, but as you said, some take up to two months. That is one thing for sure that you need to find out. The paperwork that comes with the prescription should tell you. If not, ask her doctor.
Don't trust anything that can bleed for a week and not die. Oh wait, that's me... nevermind... you can trust me.