in my experience, the MOST intimate thing I've ever experienced was my (not then) gf tellng me simply -- " I want to kiss you " -- I was surprised, stunned ( I didn't know she was that interested in me, and stood motionless. The kiss still took 2 months to occur ( a long story ...) And I lived those two months wondering what it was going to be like w/ her. It was 10 x 10 times better. This in not a piece about getting a new bf or gf. Just the opposite - it's about the benefits of using open communication skills.
Either partner has great power, by simpy stating what THEY want. As in ( for you to say ) I want to tease you & control you tonight. Also - I want to give you a massage tonight. Also, I want to give you a shower tonight. Also - I want to get you off with my hands tonight, also I want to tell you my secret sexual fantacy tonight.
Your statement is direct, open, invitational, future paced, and allows him to be receptive & excited by the biggest sex organ in him - his mind ! Forget about thinking you're 'sensitive'. Don't ask him if it's ok. Tell him want you want to give him -- his time delayed response is like wrapping paper on a Christmas gift. The gift is inside & the wrapping only raises our imagination / expectation.
& I really liked Seaver's thoughts on this too ! (see above)
Your satisfaction come from yourself, not his reaction to what you say or do.
Your happiness comes from within ( God ) - as in 'I am happy, I am loving, I am contented & I am peaceful ...
Good luck - you sound like a good soul -- give intimate skills there do.
Don't aim for perfection, simply excellance, which comes from direct experience.
I love your attitude ! If he can't, or will not, and can not see you ( after you reveal your self to him ) -- then just on your open-minded attitude I'll be lookng for you !