I echo the 'preceed with caution' note. If you aren't comfortable with the kid situation move on. The child is there before you and will be there if or when you leave. That added factor makes for a sometimes stressful relationship and can cause problems if you aren't accepting that the child will come first.
When JJ and I started dating his daughter was 8. We were friends for a couple years before we dated so I knew about his daughter. When we decided to date, he told me that she came first. I accepted this because I was very interested in him. Not being first doesn't mean that you don't get attention or that your needs aren't met. It just means that the child has to be taken into consideration because..well..it's the person's child.
We have been together now for 7 years. She still comes first for the most part, but it's not a problem in our relationship. I've stated my feeling and he has stated his and we want what is best for his daughter and work to make sure that she's taken care of without her or me feeling like a third wheel or left out. I never felt that I was left out or ignored or second fiddle, whatever you want to call it because the situation is always opened for discussion.
However, it is different for people and with a child that young, that's a big decision. However, you need to decide soon because you would in a way be dating them both and a child can grow attached to people fairly quickly. It would be a shame to build a relationship with the mom and child and then just leave. But that's my 2 cents on the issue.
Whatever did happen to your soul?
I heard you sold it
Choose Heaven for the weather and Hell for the company