Well, considering the kitten experiment (without knowing the age of the kittens, how they were dropped etc.) it would be hard to know if that experiment can be considered valid for me.
Within the experiment factors such as age and the height that they were dropped quickly come to mind.
for example if the kitten was:
-being held about five feet above the ground,
-being cradled and then suddenly dropped.
Considering this, it can be stated that with most creatures
-being dropped after being supported in a stable environment (ie someones hands)
-the shock of being released and experiencing freefall may cause any creature to exhibit what can be considered fear and thus be coined to an instinctual fear.
when it can also be called the reaction to the effects of gravity, an unknown stimulus.
But your point has some interesting points, and since i haven't actually heard of the kitten experiment I will have to consider your argument.