We've been there. I had barely a part time job while hubby lost his after he got injured. We could not find work anywhere up where we were living so we ended up having to move in February (IN WISCONSIN - BRRRR) and found work. It drove hubby nuts and made me a little crazy in turn. Hubby was too picky too - in my opinion. He would not even consider a lowly burger flipper position.
I have taken positions waitressing or flipping burgers, even though I have a bachelors in El Ed because ANY job helps you get the job you want. Employers don't like hiring someone who isn't working. It doesn't look good and they might not be hard workers or reliable. Get any ol' job and you might find that you get asked to come to a few more interviews.
Good Luck.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.