Originally posted by Sticky
Get this.
Let's say I jump as far as I can and I end up jumping 2 meters.
With a little bit of effort there is no reason why I should not be able to jump 1/10 of a milimeter more than that.
Yes you are wrong. Logic dictates that you can NOT jump a bit more, seeing that you jumped as far as you can...
Of course, in practice, there's also a limit to how far humans can possibly jump, and nobody could ever jump further. Therefore, your "adding a small distance X number of times" does not work.
If we say that you jump as far as you can *today*, and then work out, and try again, I'd say you might be able to add a bit. If you work out more and more, you add more and more distance, but the added distance grows smaller and smaller, until you reach your natural limit. That's reality for ya.