Crack, I know how you feel. While we make decent money, we like to spend it. We are also trying to get jj's photography career off the ground so that is causing a lot of debt. All I can say is this too will pass. Try to find a part-time job or something to make ends meet if you need to. I worked 2 jobs for 3 years after jj and I got married. I was working about 60-70 hours a week, but you have to do what you have to do.
I can't give any advice on the stress because I'm not good at handling it either. I have found that denial is good.

But good luck with everything and don't let it get you down too much. I have found that there are more important things than money and focusing on them sometimes help. I'm in the process of looking for a supplemental job now and while I'm not looking forward to 14 hour days, I know that I have made my mess and I need to take responsibility for it.