Originally Posted by smooth
The school was afraid of a backlash against mexican kids for getting a day off from school on their cultural holiday. loganmule blamed it on the school, stating that if the administration hadn't thought about giving mexican students a day off, there wouldn't have been any backlash. That's a retarded causal inference; if there weren't any racists, THEN there wouldn't be any backlash.
You didn't read my post correctly, smooth, and then pounded me for your own retarded casual mistake. NO ONE got the 5th of May off, great holiday though it may be (personally, my love of alcohol would have led me to instead vote for St. Patrick's Day off, for students so inclined).
What happened was that Mexican students, and ONLY Mexican students, were allowed an excused absence on the FIRST of May, in recognition of the planned demonstrations (you remember...the day without immigrants).
Was this prejudical treatment? Absolutely. Was it appropriate for a public school administration to take this action? Absolutely not.