cant really tell you what its like to be slipped something in a drink or anything like that but i do highly suggest you talk to the local police about it. espeically if it was late at night not too long before they closed. If they were acting that way and slipped you something they might of been hoping you would pass out there and do who knows what to you. and from the way you said the waiter was acting he might of had some sick plans for you. Talk to the police tell them exactly what happened and how the guy was acting. They might be doing that to more people then just you and it would be a good idea to give the police something to watch for. never know they might have sex offenders working there and if thats the case and they are at it again who knows what they might do to the next girl that gets drugged and dosnt make it home. or even just trys to drive home thinking they only had one drink and slams into a tree or something because of it. no matter how you look at it dont go back to that restraunt. If you can find out the names of the people that were working there that night and search for them in the sex offendor registry. Guys dont exactly go around wasting money slipping something in someones drink without plans for them. at least not as far as i know.
Oh might want to stop by at a doctor and get a drug test just to see whats floating around in your system.