Originally Posted by BigBen
And this is the main reason (besides I can't afford the little tikes) that I don't have kids.
I was raised in a violent environment, and my immediate response to that scenario, Shesus, would be to give the kid acting up a world ending beating. I mean beat them until they are good kids.
Yes, that is a very politically incorrect statement. I have never hit a child (except for when I was also a child, and hitting a peer) nor would I ever.
Would that help? Maybe give the parents a beating for good measure.
Thank god I am not in charge.
Would a physical consequence to their actions speak to them louder than words, or 'priveledge taking' does?
On second thought, beat the parents. Every time their kid acts up, put mom and dad in the hospital. I believe environment plays the largest role in child development, and in this case the parents are wholly negligent.
Why should we reward violence with violence? I, too, was raised by abusive and violent parents, and I am extremely against "beating" and what my parents called "spankings." I think we just need to educate people better on being parents, and our society needs to slow the f__k down and raise the child instead of having a nanny or babysitter do it for us. That being said, I think that "evilness" can be a predisposition, but typically you'll see the majority of problems occur within the home.