Originally Posted by StormBerlin
Yes. But it's not genital herpes, it's oral herpes on the genitals. Neither are curable but oral herpes on genitals are the ones you want if you had to have one or the other. Just keep your mouths to yourselves while you have any type of sore in your mouth. Trust me on this one. You don't want to be responsible for "the gift that keeps on giving".
Not always the case so you might wanna go get tested...there are "sores" you get in your mouth in reaction to certain bacteria and foods that you eat as well as a reaction to certain stresses such as illness or extreme exhaustion. That said Herpes Simplex 1 or simplex 2 can infect you in both areas. Simplex 1 is the less serious of the two but neither are curable. Simplex 2 has the worst symptomatic response to stress, foods, even weather and the symptoms are most often more extreme. Both are contagious during the symptomatic phase while simplex 1 is often not contagious when there is no evidence of symptoms. Do your homework...taking advice on the "net" can be hazardous to your health!!!