Originally Posted by Elphaba
It's amazing that public figures can contradict themselves to go along with the mood of the day and not get caught. Rumsfeld got caught today saying he never claimed he knew where the WMD's were in Iraq. 
Even when they get caught, it's ok because most people will never hear about it and those that do hear about it have probably already made up their mind one way or another.
For example, the news about Rumsfeld getting caught in a lie isn't even in the AP story about it. They left it out and instead just focused on the fact that he was being "heckled" by a former CIA man. Oh, and they had to make sure to include something about how kind and gracious Rumsfeld was in temporarily (long enough for him to come up with a "witty" response) stopping his henchmen from throwing the guy out (did I mention he was a 27-year vet of the CIA?). Anyway, enough about that. Back to being outraged by a song.