OK, so the "if you break up" argument has been well-established. We don't know soma's situation though, so we don't know how likely that is. Let's go beyond just that.
Just for emphasis, I agree that if you think it's remotely possible that you might end up breaking up in the course of the class, it's a bad idea. Beyond that, there are other things to consider.
Do you think that both of you would pay attention as necessary in the class, or would you be distracted by one another? Only you know how your relationship works, but this is a very serious consideration.
Both of you also need to think very seriously about how you would feel if the other were doing better than you. Imagine you're getting a C in the class (however likely it may or may not be) and imagine your girlfriend is getting an A. How would this make you feel? There are many men who are not comfortable with the idea of their wife making more than them, and this is a similar situation. Forget about the correct answer, think about the honest answer. Better to be honest with yourself if it would make you uncomfortable than to find out after the fact. She has to consider the same thing. How would she feel if you're doing significantly better than her? Furthermore, you each need to consider if you would feel guilty for doing significantly better than the other.
On the positive end of things, taking a class together could help you both. It could provide extra motivation to do your work (even just doing the reading can be done together) and it can provide a persistent study partner throughout the class. These are great benefits, but an important thing to keep in mind here is whether or not your study habits are compatible in the first place. Even if all the other potential issues won't be a problem, simply having completely different study habits could make it a problem.
I know that if onodrim and I went to the same school and were able to take classes together, it would be a tremendous benefit to both of us. But we're also not your typical couple: we've been dating for 6.5 years since high school and are all but engaged. It's impossible for me to tell you what's good for you and your relationship, but these are a few of the main issues I think you need to seriously consider regarding this. The one thing I will say is that I think it's a lot more likely for most couples that taking a class together is a bad idea rather than a good one.
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