It's funny, actually, because many of your "do more's" involve schooling... and for me, I'm a full-time PhD student and I still constantly feel like I should be "doing more" (especially with my schoolwork; it's neverending).
In my case, since school is my whole life, I wish I could just do less, live more... enjoy my nights and weekends by relaxing with loved ones, having a pet, reading non-academic books. Basically just "being" me, which I don't often have time to do with my crazy academic schedule.
I suppose it's an issue of the grass always being greener... some of my friends think it's admirable that I'm "doing so much" with school, but I always envy them for having more balanced, relaxed lives because they are just working and living normally.
But I think your desires to do more are good... they keep you striving for more, wanting to be more active and make changes in your life to keep you satisfied. What is holding you back from making these things happen?
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran