Knew once I saw the title I'd see a few "why not get a japanese car" posts...granted not all of tfp are americans but it's come to sadden me when I see americans with such an attitude and with the current economy some foreign car owners (some owned by autoworkers) wonder/speculate what the american car company is doing wrong...Now with all that american built japanese crap, might as well be a japanese built car. All the money ends up in japanese headquartered pockets and all the execs are shipped fresh from japan. It's really a mockery on americans when japanese companys build a factory in the US and employ american line workers but fly their execs in from japan (of which their english is usually terrible) whilst the city/state/federal governments are giving the company monetary breaks all around the biggest being tax breaks (used to lure the company to build in a certain city/state) and the absence of an import tax (since the cars are built in the country)...Shit I wish anyone would give me large dollar incentives to build a company in a certain location.
Food for thought, One honda sub-company that made parts built a multi-million dollar factory in ohio. To have the company build in ohio, ohio gave the company benefits and tax breaks that together totalled up to the amount it cost to build the factory. In essence the factory was built for free, well not exactly, americans paid for it. If that isn't bad enough to add to that an established american owned competitor close to where the factory was built was put out of business by honda before the japanese owned parts factory was even complete. Apparently honda contracted the american company but in contract said the company has to use machines supplied by honda, the machines were crap making bad parts and always breaking when making the parts. The owner of course spent money to get them fixed but contract dictated that honda authorized (flew in from japan) technicians were the only ones that could repair the machines. He spent basically all the companies money to try to keep working the honda account. Close to when the japanese owned parts factory (really just owned by honda) was finished honda terminated the contract on the basis that the american company was making low production and inferior parts. Of course the new japanese owned factory was nice enough to hire the newly unemployed workers for a lower pay/benefit package (since they were new and no seniority). So when people say why don't you want a honda (or any japanese car for that matter) it basically goes down to why don't you want a foreign car that built a parts factory in my home country using money from my fellow american's wallet whilst at the same time put an american owned parts maker out of business. If you haven't picked up on it yet, I'm very much anti-foreign car. Don't matter how good a car it's supposed to be because in the end it's horrible on the local economy.