Originally Posted by Zeraph
Do you really think conservative-types are likely to be taking polls on sex? Kinda doubt that. I'm confident that poll is skewed.
I am just basing it off of general experience, most people I know would not even try it, and a few more have tried it but refuse to do so again. Perhaps I'm just running into unique people but I doubt it.
And you forget that for every conservative there is a liberal, do you really think anal sex goes down party lines? I guarantee you it does not. Plenty of hardcore republicans are doing it, just as there are liberals that don't.
Don't try to politicize it, I just pointed out 1 study, there are more that all back this up... and what makes you think people would be honest with you?
If you want to argue it’s not "normal", how many millions of people doing it regularly until you change your mind?
Originally Posted by Zeraph
That was just one example. Point being there are many factors for both sides. To draw a conclusion so easily is fallacy. And maybe I'm just naive, but what risks are you talking about for normal sex? I don't see how one sex is more at risk than the other. Male gentilia are very sensitive and very exposed so I'm just not seeing how women are at so much a greater risk.
You have to think about more then just the sex act itself though (forgetting for a second about things like "bottoming out", or hymens being broken, etc). I mentioned already, but I'll throw them out again... women are typically smaller and usually weaker then their male partners. (i.e. they are trusting a man isn't going to pin them down and force anything, etc) They of course run the risk of getting pregnant (as was mentioned by others already). Those two right there are huge in my mind. But I'd love to hear some examples you have from the male perspective (cause apparently my own male sense of self-preservation isn't working

) I can't think of anything that could be such a source of concern compaired to these obvious examples for women.
And yes I know the berries are out there hanging in the wind, but honestly if I went into a sexual encounter with a woman for the first time, I'm not that worried.
I'm not drawing conclusions so easily, as much as just weighing the different risks in my own mind and sharing that with others. I don't have to be right here (it is just a theory, and I am obviously not a woman so who am I to say really

), but share some more ideas to help convince me rather then just calling fallacy.