Originally Posted by percy
I support Harpers decision to not lower the flag. If I understood properly, the flag before the last Liberals were in power was only lowered on Remembrance day and if a someone of national importance died (political figure)
At least to me, if only lowered for Remembrance Day brings a greater awareness and importance to the honour of all those who gave their lives.
As for banning the media from showing caskets of soldiers returning. Honestly I think Harper went to far with that one but in my opinion, it's a disgrace that the media is there at every turn exploiting the grieving families sorrow. I think it should be up to the immediate family to allow the media to be present or not. But good luck doing that.
But all in all this business of the flag lowering and not letting the media be there etc,etc,etc,..to me is a joke. Good Lord are there not more important issues at hand here nationally. It's terrible soldiers were lost, but going on and on only cheapens their sacrifice I think.
The Accountability Act is in full swing. Anyone hear about it? Anyone care? Victims are now going to be given stronger rights than criminals. Anyone hear about it? Anyone care? People are dying on our streets and living on heated grates in the winter time. Child poverty is at an all time high in this country. Veterans in this country are treated like shit and some have to live at poverty levels. That's the thanks they get for handing our asses over on a silver plate.
So let's spend another month debating how the flag should be flown. Honestly, if this sparks the attention of the country over anything of the multitude of some of what I've mentioned, then I truely am embarrassed for my country.
Well said percy...
Leave the flag as it is and remember the fallen on Remembrance Day, as is tradition. Trying to score political points over this is disgraceful in the extreme and only cheapens the soldiers deaths, but unfortunatly, it's not unexpected.