I have seen a few evil children in my teaching career. One boy would whisper his teachers name while they were walking down the hall in this chilling voice. He tortured an injured bird on the playground. He would throw chairs and tables at people and yell. He also drew black and white pictures of his teacher and him. The only thing that was in color was the red blood coming out of her chest and on the knife.
At my current school, it is full of evil children. They have know respect for anyone including them selves. They have no fear. In my room, I have a first grader that is actually going for observations because his behavior is so horrible. We're talking cussing, flipping off, chair throwing, table tipping, running and punching behavior.
I have also worked with children as young as 4 that have punched me in the stomach and chase people around with scissors.
These children aren't to the point of torturing animals yet..except my first example, but they are evil in the way that they have no concern with anything or anyone. I think it's a socio-econimic and parental thing. The parent or ver rarely parents come in at a loss. They throw their hands up and say they have no idea what to do. When I suggest taking away privileges their answers is "No, that would make *child's name* too mad at me." Parents need to take control back. Unfortunately, by the time it has made it to the point where they are 'evil' it's too late.
Whatever did happen to your soul?
I heard you sold it
Choose Heaven for the weather and Hell for the company