Echoing Toaster... a famous biological anthropologist (or was it Richard Dawkins?) once said, "Eggs are expensive, but sperm is cheap." Women have everything to gain from being circumspect about who is depositing sperm anywhere near their vaginas. They are the ones who have to carry the fetus, give birth (possibly dying in the process), and give 24-7 care to the offspring; guys have nothing to lose from depositing as much sperm in as many vaginas as possible.
In terms of evolution, both are interested in having as many offspring as possible, but it's far easier for men to do so if they are not emotionally tied to one woman (thus they can fertilize more eggs faster, rather than waiting years for the woman to become fertile again). On the other hand, it's much easier for women to have more offspring if they have a man who will stick around and invest time and energy in raising those kids; thus, her interest is in emotional connection.
/ends anthropology speech; the next step of human evolution should be to reduce offspring as much as possible, if you ask me.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran