Haha you said "penis"...
Fascinating theory...
Originally Posted by Sultana
Don't go all crazy on me talking about sexually aggressive women, etc. I'm talking about how women basically are the ones *accepting* foreign matter (OK, fine. Penis!). Whether it's vaginally, orally, or anally, women are in a position where it would be very easy to be hurt during the act of sex. Therefore, women have to be very trusting of their partner, which requires/engenders a strong(er) trust bond. Which in turn triggers a deeper emotional response.
You could even take this a step further then the basic concept of penetration. You might also factor in that men are commonly bigger and usually stronger then their female partners. (with regards to heterosexual relationships anyways). That developing of trust and subsequent emotional attachment may begin from the onset. Think of a woman getting into a man's car, or being alone with him at a private location, etc.
Originally Posted by Sultana
In ancient Rome I think it was, male sexuality was always OK, as long as the male was "poking". He wasn't perceived as a homosexual, even if he was having sex with another man. However, the male "pokee" was considered the (weaker, feminine) homosexual, because he was receiving.
I don't think there is anything ancient about this perception. I can think of a couple modern examples in which this still rings true. The most obvious one is prison rape.
I do think you are right on with regards to trust being closely linked to an emotional attachment. To truly trust someone, I can't see that happening for myself without some sort of connection much more meaningful then "take my word for it".