Originally Posted by NoSoup
Indeed. The show I watched said that there were basically three main portions of the brain, each "layer" of the brain basically goes backward in evolution, with the most recent and human layer on the surface, and the deeper you go, the more ancient it gets.
I don't believe it is just western culture that makes the reptillian monsters bad - from my understanding, eastern cultures believe that you may be able to win the favor of dragons by honoring them in a variety of different ways - sacrifices, dances, ect.
Exactly! The reptilian brain, the mammalian brain and the neo-cortex (or something like that anyway...
Maybe "bad" was a bad choice of words....perhaps malevolent? It seems in the West, anything remotely associated with 'the reptilian monsters' seems to be closely associated with some miasmic evil force whereas the East seems to honor and respect their 'reptilian monsters' because of the power they represent rather than because they are considered evil. Of course, like I said, I don't know much about Eastern philosophy and such.... I guess I shall have to remedy that.