You burned her out. Next time pull back a little (or maybe ALLOT). Calling her while on vacation...jeez. Someone once said, the greatest gift you can give a lover is one of missing you.
Mind you, we had talks, and we were both agreeing on not taking this any further for quite some time, we both like/liked each other a good amount, shes a great girl...
This was a brilliant move. One of my favorite pivots. Denying something only makes people wan't it more. The problem is that you were supposed to say one thing and do the opposite. Her desire was building but she didn't have a way to express it. So she had to stop or go nuts.
People try to stay congruent to their word. When you guys had a talk about taking things easy both you and her were thinking "yah, that okay, but I wouldn't mind if things moved faster". Once you set up this relationship frame both of you were affraid to step over the line now drawn between you.
The key is to show a weakness that she can take advantage off. A chance that she can get her prize faster. For example, if you start getting too close physically say something like, "we better stop, I might not be able to control myself". This gives here a clue that a) she has a chance and b) you are intrested.
Then all you gota do is set up a senario that would get her emotional while being comfortable/safe and close to you. Then - you kiss. Oooopsie!
She will draw back, because she just broke your rule. Sometimes she will start saying "I am sorry, I don't know what I was..." You kiss her again.
And thats how you could have had a relationship.
Next time.
Don't worry. There will be plenty of opportunities.
I think you can get her still. If you want her.