Hey everyone, long time TFP reader, not many posts, but I am always intrigued by the material given here.
Heres my problem:
About 2 months ago, I met this really nice girl at one of my friends parties. Her best friend works with my brother. I was told that she was single so I started small talk. One thing led to another, we started talking almost everyday, hanging out every couple of days and so on. She told me that she had been on and off with her ex of 3 years until a few weeks before that party. Her ex is a douche bag, always flipping out on her, cheating on her, etc...
2 weeks after I met her, I went to Cancun for my 1 week post-spring break vacation. She was really into me, called her from Cancun a few times, she told me she missed me, yadda yadda. My brother hung out with his friend and this girl all week while I was gone. He told me she would always talk about me and how she wishes I was home and hadn't gone. Well, seems like I had a keeper, somewhat...
Got back Saturday the 15th, anxious to see her, as she was to see me. We hung out that night, had a great time, we also hung out 4 or so days straight after that. The Friday that just passed I noticed that she hadn't really called or even text messaged me all day, even for a hello. I'm a what-if type of person so I started wondering... Friday night came and went, she stayed home and slept.. Saturday came and almost went until I opened my mouth asking if there was something wrong or a problem of some sort..
She goes and tells me, "we can't do this anymore. I'm getting too attatched and I don't want to be right now. I want to have no worries and be free."
Mind you, we had talks, and we were both agreeing on not taking this any further for quite some time, we both like/liked each other a good amount, shes a great girl...
Maybe I'm just bitter at the fact that this happened, but it's been bothering me. I mean, I KNOW and understand how her situation is because of her ex. She isn't going back to him, from what I can see on her part, she suffered too much with him.
We settled on being friends, I don't want to lose touch with her and do hope that something good can come out of this...
Honestly, I'm sorry for the ranting but I needed to get this off my shoulders, what would you do in my situation? Not like there is much to do but, suggestions would be welcomed...
*I am one to stress easy, this is on my mind and it sucks not being able to get it off.... ahhh*