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Old 04-23-2006, 08:06 PM   #12 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Ustwo
Fair enough, but when/if the republicans loose a majority in 2006 or the presidency in 2008 the reason will not be whatever is said in the left wing press (the same ones that gave the faulty 'moral values' as an excuse for 2004) but because the Republicans have failed to do what we put them there to do in 1994.
Please stop calling it, <b>"the left wing press"</b>...over and over, without making any successful attempt to back up your accusation.

It's "hard work" to counter your unsubstaniated opinions, again and again...
Your post #43....
Originally Posted by Ustwo
Perhaps not in print, but on the radio, all I hear the left talk about is the wire tapping story trying to make it into something it isn't. Its kinda cute as they dig thier own political graves for 2006 mid term elections
Originally Posted by Ustwo
U.S. 'unbiased' media ignores U.S. terror plot
From South Africa

Wow, I didn't hear about that...but wait.

Could it be that the left wing american media is so determined to 'get' president Bush that they will understate and edit stories which could be seen as aiding him in the fight against islamic terrorism? Has the left finally gotten so low as to attempt to shield the American public from the need for domestic 'spying' in protecting the American public from such plots?

Now this is all I could get since I'm not paying for archive access.....

Amazing, no mention of the US as a target in the US publications?

Is this incompetence, or biased media at its worst? I'll leave it for you to decide.
Originally Posted by Ustwo
If we didn't have a plan, GWB would not be doing his job as president.

Iran is a threat, as such it is the governments job to figure out how to elminate that threat, including a military plan.

Now the real question should be does the U.S. plan to attack Iran. That I would have to say is no, <b>the American people have been demoralized by the constant attacks on the Iraq invasion by the left and their press-allies long enough that it has crippled our ability to react militarily to any conflict.</b> This also shows how the whole 'weapons of mass destruction' doesn't really matter to the left. Saddam did or didn't have them depending on who you want to believe, but they were not found, hense we had 'no reason' to invade Iraq to the leftist mind (not that it mattered then). Now Iran, an equally wack job nation is openly working on building nuclear weapons, and that doesn't matter to them either. I'm not sure what matters to them beyond self-loathing and blaming republicans for all the worlds problems. Imaginary plots by GWB are high on their minds, terrorist supporting nations building nuclear weapons, not so high. I don't understand it......
I find your oft posted opinion about a consistant, "liberal" or "leftist" bias in the U.S., mainstream press, as incredible as I found the 1972, taped conversation of the most powerful U.S. politician and the most influential U.S. religious leader:
Saturday, 2 March, 2002, 03:05 GMT

The Reverend Billy Graham has apologised for a taped conversation with former President Nixon in which he said the Jewish "stranglehold" of the media was ruining the United States and must be broken......

.....In the taped conversation, Mr Graham said the Jewish "stranglehold" on the media "has got to be broken or this country's going down the drain".

"You believe that?" Nixon replies.

"Yes, sir."

"Oh boy. So do I. I can't ever say that but I believe it," Nixon says.

"If you get elected a second time, then we might be able to do something," Mr Graham replies.

Later in the conversation, when Nixon raises the subject of Jewish influence in Hollywood, Mr Graham says:

"A lot of Jews are great friends of mine. They swarm around me and are friendly to me, because they know that I am friendly to Israel and so forth, but they don't know how I really feel about what they're doing to this country, and I have no power and no way to handle them."

Nixon, who became friends with Mr Graham in the 1950s during his time as vice president in the Eisenhower administration, then advises: "You must not let them know."
Ustwo, it was absurd when those two, very powerful men said it in 1972, and it is at least as absurd, IMO, these days, when you post it, on these threads. I have a small sliver of hope that you will compare how Nixon and Billy Graham "looked", making those comments (especially if they actually believed what they said to each other....), with how anyone who makes similar comments "looks", today.

Even if you see nothing contradictory between Nixon and Graham's power and influence, vs. their comments about "media control", my remaining, tiny remnant of hope is that you recognize that the onus is on you to convincingly back your "liberal media" mantra.

The record shows that you have failed to do that, hence..... yet another response to your this one...

Last edited by host; 04-23-2006 at 08:09 PM..
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